STAM Workshop 2





Name Organization Dept.
Gary Cheng Purdue
Satish Bukkapatnam TAMU IE
Ola Harrysson NCSU IE
Rohan Shirwaiker NCSU IE
Binil Starly NCSU IE
Sam Cynamon NCSU
Linkan Bian MSU IE
Namhun Kim UNIST (Korea) ME
Sara Behdad Buffalo ME
Yong Chen USC IE
Bob Voigt PSU IE
Chuck Zhang GA Tech ISE
Gul Kremer ISU IME
Pat Wysk Assistant
Rick Wysk NCSU ISE
Okenwa Okoli FSU ISE
Lourdes Medina UPR ISE
Richard Liang FSU ISE
Katie Bassinger UF ISE
Joseph Chen Bradley MfgE
Sara Behdad UBuffalo ME
Young-jun Son UA SIE
Hantang Qin ISU IME
Rebecca Leitzell BHS Edu


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  1. A taxonomy to organize the repository material is necessary. Are there any other classification systems?
  2. Manufacturing teaching resources (labs and software tools) can be vastly different. Can schools with limited facilities benefit from others?
  3. Legal disclosures and ownership need to be investigated early. Can the University attorneys serve as a resource for STAM?
  4. How do people “give” their materials to STAM? Can they retain ownership?  That is, can they allow others to use their materials with “limited” access?
  5. How can metrics for contributions be assessed? How can contributors to the repository be awarded?
  6. There is a need to “organize” the operation of the repository? How will officers and committees be organized and elected?
  7. A “working repository” (prototype) needs to be put in place ASAP. Set a schedule for operation and expectations.
  8. Narrow the scope of materials for the prototype repository so that a logical submodel can be used to sell the concept. Identify contributing members (Bob Voigt – Casting; Ola Harrysson – AM, Rick Wysk – Machining, Gul Kremer – Design)
  9. Need a web presence. Create a website for STAM.
  10. Create a “listserve for members” so we can communicate.
  11. Use IISE, INFORMS and ASME to advertise what we are doing.