STAM Workshop 3

OCT 2020



Workshop Registration:

It has been a most unusual spring and summer, and as you may know, the IISE Annual Conference has been changed to a “virtual activity” in October and November.  That means that we too will be going virtual for our third workshop. It will be at the same time as the Annual IISE Conference (October 31, 2020), but will be conducted remotely via Zoom.  It will be a half-day event starting at 9:30A and ending at 1:30P EST.  This is an important activity for STAM as it will determine the future for the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Repository.

A “research incentive” will be provided to you to attend the October workshop.  This incentive is intended to motivate people to attend the workshop, and also contribute to STAM by;

  1. using STAM materials in your coursework,
  2. participating in the development and organization of STAM,
  3. writing part of the Proposal that will be submitted to NSF and become a project Investigator,
  4. developing teaching materials for STAM, and
  5. participating by using STAM course materials in one of your future courses (where student testing will be conducted to determine learning outcomes).

 The stipends will range from A) $2000 for becoming a potential Investigator on the proposal, contributing to all of the above categories, to B) $1000 for contributing materials and agreeing to participate in the proposed project and also providing a letter of intent to participate in future STAM activities too, C) $500 to attend and contribute a formal response to the workshop along with a letter of endorsement and participation for future activities.  You DO need to respond to this Registration noting that you plan to attend the workshop and what you intend to contribute.  The stipends available for the workshop are limited so we need a count prior to the event to complete Zoom panning and presentation specifics.  Again, attending the IISE conference is not a prerequisite to attend the STAM workshop.

The 3rd Workshop focuses on creating a path for STAM sustainability. We need to complete the NSF Final Report and outline a proposal to be submitted to the NSF IUSE Phase II program.  We are asking all that plan to attend the workshop and solicit a stipend to read the Interim NSF Report attached to this email and visit three websites.  The first website is the MedEd website that was sponsored by the American College of Physicians and others.  Go to . This site has a similar focus for what we have talked about for STAM, but focuses on medical studies and more specifically clinical practices.  The second website is LearnChemEng that focuses on foundational topics for Chemical Engineering and has been supported by NSF and others, see .  This website focuses on foundational methods of Chemical engineering and creates a HELP ENVIRONMENT for students and instructors in ChemEng.  The last website that you should visit is our STAM website.  It is the result of student volunteer service and is not as professional as either of the other websites.  It is however a start at what we foresee in our future.  Go to  You will note that the site is very new and a crude start to our final product.

Our planned agenda for the workshop is to complete the list of roadblocks associated with a teaching repository, and then to discuss future directions (a proposal) for making the repository a reality.

We look forward to seeing you in October via Zoom.  Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the workshop.

Stay safe!  Hope that all is well for you and your family.


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The IISE Conference will be held in the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans, LA from May 30 to June 2, 2020.  You will not have to register for the conference in order to attend the workshop.

We do look forward to seeing you in New Orleans.  The first two workshops generated significant interest, and we look forward to this workshop continuing to build enthusiasm for this worthwhile activity.




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