STAM Workshop 2
Name | Organization | Dept. |
Gary Cheng | Purdue | |
Satish Bukkapatnam | TAMU | IE |
Ola Harrysson | NCSU | IE |
Rohan Shirwaiker | NCSU | IE |
Binil Starly | NCSU | IE |
Sam Cynamon | NCSU | |
Linkan Bian | MSU | IE |
Namhun Kim | UNIST (Korea) | ME |
Sara Behdad | Buffalo | ME |
Yong Chen | USC | IE |
Bob Voigt | PSU | IE |
Chuck Zhang | GA Tech | ISE |
Gul Kremer | ISU | IME |
Pat Wysk | Assistant | |
Rick Wysk | NCSU | ISE |
Okenwa Okoli | FSU | ISE |
Lourdes Medina | UPR | ISE |
Richard Liang | FSU | ISE |
Katie Bassinger | UF | ISE |
Joseph Chen | Bradley | MfgE |
Sara Behdad | UBuffalo | ME |
Young-jun Son | UA | SIE |
Hantang Qin | ISU | IME |
Rebecca Leitzell | BHS | Edu |
Tim Horn | NCSU | MAE |
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- A taxonomy to organize the repository material is necessary. Are there any other classification systems?
- Manufacturing teaching resources (labs and software tools) can be vastly different. Can schools with limited facilities benefit from others?
- Legal disclosures and ownership need to be investigated early. Can the University attorneys serve as a resource for STAM?
- How do people “give” their materials to STAM? Can they retain ownership? That is, can they allow others to use their materials with “limited” access?
- How can metrics for contributions be assessed? How can contributors to the repository be awarded?
- There is a need to “organize” the operation of the repository? How will officers and committees be organized and elected?
- A “working repository” (prototype) needs to be put in place ASAP. Set a schedule for operation and expectations.
- Narrow the scope of materials for the prototype repository so that a logical submodel can be used to sell the concept. Identify contributing members (Bob Voigt – Casting; Ola Harrysson – AM, Rick Wysk – Machining, Gul Kremer – Design)
- Need a web presence. Create a website for STAM.
- Create a “listserve for members” so we can communicate.
- Use IISE, INFORMS and ASME to advertise what we are doing.